

"model" = likely C avg high school student who's cute and terminally unmotivated to hold a real job or ever finish a college degree. in short, unfit character and likely to blame others when she wakes up in her late 20s with no skills, no degree and no work experience... and broke.

Terry Richardson is gross, Alex Botolow is gross, Leslie Lissin is gross, but some of these women are probably gross too. I'm definitely cool with him being accused and outed but if you send an email to Terry Richardson asking for modelling opportunities and self-describe yourself as a pervert, that leads me to

You do realize that Justice Scalia doesn't just make whatever decision you find most despicable out of pure spite for your side of the political spectrum, right? That of all the current justices he actually has one of the best records for deciding based on a judicial philosophy rather than political whim? That he

Your threats, whether you intend to carry them out or not, are harmful.

You know.....if it happens this many times......it might be you

The problem is they aren't going after anyone else. The entire fashion culture made his behavior permissible, which is probably why he can't understand that he is doing anything wrong.

I've said it before and I will say it again....the descriptions of his photo shoots sound like 90% of the photo shoots I've been on minus the mountains of cocaine and the mother of some 15 year old girl standing on the sidelines counting the cash.

Yeah, but since when do we give two shits about what a woman's family has to say about aborting or not aborting?

The staff at Jezebel never saw an unborn child they didn't want aborted, apparently. I suppose the idea of a woman actually WANTING to have her baby is too much to process. What's not considered her is that the women who WANT to keep their baby (I know, crazy isn't it?) would be more than likely to want their child

I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't think this law is as terrible as this article makes it out to be. Viability is typically defined at 28 weeks, with some fetuses surviving outside the womb as early as 24 weeks. The law allows women to make the choice for their own bodies, provided that they have written

I don't mean to come across unsympathetic, insensitive, or anything that I may (and probably will) be accused of but why exactly does everyone feel this show's writer owes it to females to feature strong lead women? Just because the first season had women who came across vulnerable? I mean the man is gonna write the

"Having a drink and watching the price is right..."

We're comparing apples and oranges and pretending they're both bananas.

Is that from Tales From The Crypt, the germophobic guy?

Good point, but I imagine that any new advancements will still have to be aggressively patented by Tesla just to keep them available to any other manufacturer.

Make room for me. It's about to get hot.

Thank you. And I'm so insanely tired of taller or thinner bodies not being "normal." I know people are constantly point this out on here. SO COME ON. Is she average? Perhaps not. But normal? Yes.

Mekayla Diehl's body is normal. It isn't the average American woman's body, but it is absolutely normal. Her body is not abnormal or unusual.

Then YOU make games if it's so easy. then you can include all the female/dipansexual otherkin transfat characters you want!