
Nah it's like if I got banned from jez for posting pics of my junk all over the place (whoo!) and then after I got banned (ban reason: nobody wants to see that shit fuck off) I started walking around my hometown from the waist down as a form of protest. Not many people here would be arguing that my response would be

1) You seem nice enough, like I said I have no problem with trans people, or moral qualms about the idea of being trans, it's just that the transexuals I've met have been really obnoxious people, and I find the whole "die cis scum" mentality extremely disturbing.

2) I've known my brother for 20 years, he was an

Woah, wait. First of all this is a life skills class for "children with intellectual and some physical disabilities," not 8th grade homeroom. And it was in front of two other girls in the same class, who presumably were learning how to shave as well.

Based on the comparisons she's drawing with that Danbilzerian instagram, I'm not sure she understands that 'nudity' and 'sexualized content' are separate things that can occur independently of each other.

She is at work. I would think if you had several wardrobe malfunctions at work you would take measures to prevent them. This is not her first Marilyn moment while representing England. At my job, if my ass was visible to clients even for a second I would be spoken to about it. The second, third, fourth time, I may

Hey, why not?" rules my internet life. Just yesterday I learned that there were topless photos of Judge Marilyn Milian from The Peoples Court online. So they're out there. And they're boobs. So, hey, why not?

I will reply to this story right after I finish Googling and Yahooing Belén Rodríguez .....

Agreed, Disney's customer service training is the best in the biz.

you're assuming they knew she would splatter her brains as a result of their comments. you're also assuming that they in fact are, sleeping well at night.

There are a lot of people here doubting that anyone could really lack that much self-awareness to write something like this in good faith. That said, the theories range from female-wishfulfillment over trolling Reddit to male cuckhold fantasy, and so far I see no reason to privilege one over the others.

It's not that the situation couldn't happen it's how it's written about. No guy that is a macho dick enough to suggest such a thing in the first place then goes on to turn into a such a sniveling bitch about the situation. The one thing in particular is him writing the detailed account of the other guy and that

I'm asking seriously out of interest....can women seriously not tell this is a fake story written by a woman? If not I'd be happy to explain why I know it's not written by a guy

Because if it turns out that he loves going to clubs where women hit on him, maybe he's got a little homophobia going on – albeit a mild case.

Whats going on down here?

Sexually harassed because it had a camera and was looking at their butt? Come on now...

Later that night she went home and uploaded 14 bikini butt selfies.

Oh, I know. I'm fully prepared to revise that statement as I go along. But 17 is a particularly assholish age, in my opinion

yes this is Jezebel remember

LOL , please tell me again how this woman posing nude is any different than the other woman in her bikini? So tell me if i got you wrong, if a woman is "attractive" she is somehow prancing for the male gaze, but if she isn't "attractive" she is the queen of body acceptance?