Nice gif of a female character that is plausible in a fictional universe with green rage monsters and flying alien whale-tanks.
Nice gif of a female character that is plausible in a fictional universe with green rage monsters and flying alien whale-tanks.
I treat people with the respect they've earned. If someone reacts to basic politeness by being rude, they've lost the benefit of the doubt.
Explain to me what toxic means, what specific chemical compounds you believe them to contain, and what physiological impact you believe they have on humans?
You are a fucked up person. Or just an incredible worry wart.
Perhaps you should look into neurology and the differences in male/female hormone composition then.
Let me put that differently: why would men let you do something as stupid as make your dumb-ass scheme of allowing physical/lethal harassment legal? There is literally nothing women, as a gender, can make happen in society without men's consent. We were pretty indulgent about that whole suffrage thing (it's worked…
Maybe she was just a bitch? Why are you giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming you were "like the tenth" guy to approach her when she didn't give you the benefit of the doubt to process your perfectly respectful question before flipping out?
Her comment history goes back a couple years.
If you're so smart, why ain't you rich? If women were generally as physically capable of killing men as the inverse, men probably wouldn't have been running almost everything, almost everywhere, basically forever.
You spend a lot of time imaging the sex habits of anonymous commenters on the internet? I'd suggest finding a better hobby.
The original video is the purest form of art produced in the 21st century.
Reproduction is the ultimate cause which motivates every living on earth, in one way or another.
Women have around 9 to 18 times less testosterone than men, hence their higher body fat, lower capacity for muscle, lower levels of aggression, less "masculine" secondary sexual characteristics like broad jaws and shoulders, etc.
You should really take some remedial human biology. Also, if your friend isn't on hormone therapy (only imaginable if he's still in cancer treatment and there's a conflict in treatments), then he is slowly atrophying into a bitch-titted softy like Varys, that's what happens without testosterone.
I wonder if one of the Home babies was named Donal O'Draper?
You friend is on hormone therapy. Tell his girlfriend she can suck my dick, which gets hard without me having to see the doctor for a script every month.
Hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahah more important things? There is not, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be, anything more important as a motivation for human endeavors than sex. The male desire for breasts and booty built nigh every aspect of civilization.
It's not inability to have an orgasm, it's "doesn't have the organs that produce the hormones responsible for sexual arousal and desire."
No, without hormones you're not going to have the social motivation for it. Maybe they took the pillar and not the stones.
The Unsullied in the books are all puffy (and yes, without testosterone men tend to get saggy). It's supposed to give them a layer of blubber-armor in the books. The Unsullied in the show look way ripped for eunuchs.