Thank you. Of the first few comments that I’ve seen, I’m shocked at the high percentage of rational opinions. Usually Jalopnik is a cesspool of groupthink.
Thank you. Of the first few comments that I’ve seen, I’m shocked at the high percentage of rational opinions. Usually Jalopnik is a cesspool of groupthink.
The massive flaw in this entire argument is that without competition to move the goal post, none of the ‘best in class’ cars would be anywhere near as good as they are today.
I don’t know who will see this, but I think other people are having the same problem. I just had to refresh this page 47 times before it loaded with the comments section. This is in Firefox, the same thing happens with and without adblock, and I can’t really compare to Safari because Kinja hasn’t let me log in using…
Stay the fuck out of New Mexico, you idiots.
Is the staff of jalopnik tied up somewhere while somebody else pretends to be them? I think this is the first time I remember one of these going down with all suggestions actually kind of making sense. There was no “buy this half finished pro mod car and put an extra set of seats in it. A roll came means it safe,…
“It’s a linear force, not a piston engine’s rotational force.”
Maybe he is morally opposed to them paying workers $2 hr....and the OEMs charging the same price as a USA built model.
Everyone likes LS engines. The Corvette is always the first comparison people draw when someone says, “Yeah, but you can spend $40,000 less and get a new Corvette.”
What everyone needs to learn is that everyone driving faster than me is a maniac trying to get themselves and everyone else killed, and everyone driving slower than me is an idiot causing traffic.
Good questions selected for today’s post, Tom. Thank you!
“Unionize your workplace, if you can!”
1. Smart companies use good insurance to attract top talent. It is why its called a “benefit”.
1st Gear:
It’s not. But it’s polarizing and divisive so journalists bloggers are all over it.
Ok, I’m not going to defend or attack CEO pay packages, but I will add some balance here.
but the nagging effects of gravity starts slowing a bullet down the moment it leaves the gun barrel.
I really, really didn’t want to get into a protracted political science debate here...
It is not my intention to get into a political discussion here, so I am going to limit my comments to socio-economic effects in general, and then move on.