
Sure, marijuana abuse is 10 weeks, but if he’d said he was abusing Mary Jane, he’d have seen 2 or 3 weeks, tops.

I can solve the US Ryder Cup problem in three words:

first thought...

Of course it was Stenson who invited the guy under the ropes. He’s been nothing but a class act when interacting with fans at Hazeltine. He spent a good 25-30 minutes signing autographs and taking selfies with fans near one of the practice greens, laughing and joking with several spectators. The Euro players are the

He only made the putt because someone in the crowd told the ball to “get in the hole.”

Every golfer I know is a closet trump fan. Believe it.

That head growing out of DJTJR’s shoulder looks okay. Kind of like Stephen Root. He looks happy anyway.

“Your sources are people I fired months ago, not the people I fired weeks ago, nor the people I will fire soon.”

Well, this really isn’t a flattering picture for anyone involved.

At least Eric saw himself on primary coverage and decided to change his hair style. Don Jr. doubled down on the dapper dan.

You want to come at us? Fine. We’ll laugh, you’re an entertaining lad, Pete. But you say one more word about cookie dough and I’ll will brain you with my williams sonoma scooper, son.

Counterpoint: Team Europe has won ZERO Super Bowls.

This guy is Danny’s Johnny Drama.

I was thinking: Slobodan Milosevic, Kirk Cameron, Dilma Rousseff and David Hasselhoff

When I saw them gathered after the debate, I wondered how is the hell are my blue collar family in Ohio are fooled into thinking these Fuckers are doing this shit for the poor working class. The Trump kids look like a bunch of models for stock photos used in corporate training PowerPoints.

Returns with maxi-pads and a bottle of laundry detergent.....

Shuddup Meg!

I’m not sure there has ever been a more condescending looking douchenozzle on the planet than this fucker as he looks down upon the “people” who are not fit to bring him his Waldorf salad. Right now he’s wondering why all the people viewing this picture get to vote.

Hotel bookings are supposedly down between 30-70% at Trump properties thanks to the past year. It seems the people who like Trump now aren’t exactly the types to drop $400 a night on a room. I suspect they care a lot more about that than they do about winning the election, since they’re going to be living off dad’s

You mean Meg Trump.