
Also the complete refusal to acknowledge the poorest, stupidest and most dependent on government assistance people reside in the reddest states in the nation.

Race relations to white people were perfect until those silly black folk starting acquiring their Obama phones with those pesky cameras.

As a Red Sox fan (and, consequently red socks, as well), this bums me out. I realize you don’t know who these guys are most of the time, but he’s such a giant piece of trash...

Doesn’t this entrepreneur have a self-sustaining business to run?

I was wondering about curling myself because I find watching it on tv intoxicating and watching it while intoxicated even more intoxicating

Literally the SpaceX of harmonicas.

“We bandaged it up, put some gauze on there, some black electrical tape and hit a couple more spots, then headed in,”

The organisers promise to resolve the problems by Thursday

“gas leaks, power outages, and ‘a small fire.’”

I am tired of this negativity. Deadspin always sees the glass as 19/31 empty. I choose to see it as 12/31 full.

Rio is in the same hemisphere so the water drains the same as in Australia.

1984 McDonalds breathes a sigh of relief.

Oh good. I looks like the check cleared.

IOC decides against dying of polonium 210 poisoning.

I don’t care whether or not people agree with Kanye about Beyonce’s video- going up and interrupting someone like that was just hateful. Thinking something and acting out in a way that hurts someone who did nothing to you are two very different things.

which is set in a futuristic world of morons who have evolved to care more about entertainment and junk food than education and politics

Yeah, no.

Tom Chambers: Not The Preppie Killer

Roger McDowell: Flamer Thrower

"Costacos work is anything but original. Hell, I was doing that shit for 20 years before they thought of it."