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    Same... I love that bird.

    Ah... well then... lol

    Thanks Jerry!

    Great article, and thank you CWO Triantos for all of that awesome photography and video, and most especially for serving your nation.


    I totalled it up. It’s roughly $10.25million (not including the track and museum). If I take the annual sum (not the lump), I’d still have roughly $16.5m left over for the year, assuming I bought all of these at once.

    I’ve thought about this for a long time. A long hard time.

    I always drive in a gear too tall in the rain in my car so that way I don’t lose traction. I would absolutely do the same on a bike.

    The Pontiac Aztek

    The kitten story really hurts my heart, in all sincerity.

    itsalreadybeensaidbut Hnnnnngggg

    I had the absolute pleasure of getting to drive two laps on it last year in September. It was my #1 bucket-list item, and I got to check it off.

    Plus, the last-gen GTS Quattroporte was sexy as hell. I loved it. A lot.

    With me throwing my interest in F1 completely into the garbage disposal, this (on top of the ending of 2015) has sold me completely on MotoGP for next year.

    This shot is beautiful...

    Ugh... poor Wes!! I’m going to miss IW...

    It’s cool. I want some less-hairy legs any way, but refuse to shave. This is an easier option.

    I nominate Raph for COTD because this was the greatest thing that will be posted today.

    Holy profile, Batman!

    This thing looks like it is ready to fly and was designed by Lucius Fox...