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    I’m partial to neon green wheels.

    Though this was posted yesterday, you better get a COTD nod, because this was brilliant (obviously... 700 people agree)

    These welds are all so pretty...

    Change the wheel color, and I am 100% sold on this.

    This is beautiful...

    This headlight is crazy. I like crazy.

    This I am aaaaall for, though.

    This just makes me angry.

    oh... I dig... I DIG HARD.

    1000% agree.

    I think this is really pretty...



    Far and away my favorite concept I have ever seen. So sexy...


    Jealous. Entirely jealous. I really want to go to a driving school, and I will (when I can freaking afford it in 3 1/2 years).

    It was definitely fun.

    You should state, “If you have an iPhone 6/6S, Here is everything you need to take your smartphone on a run for under $20 today”.

    You should state, “If you have an iPhone 6/6S, Here is everything you need to take your smartphone on a run for


    That sounds possible.

    I have gone through everything posted as of the moment I am writing this. I don’t own a bike, but as I have said before, it is a hot fever burning in me to get one.