
No Statham. No care.

Base it on weight. I've been told over and over semi trucks do the most damage. Make them pay the most in taxes to keep this shit running. Then trickle it down to the rest of us. The heavier your car the more you pay.

It saddens me to vote CP on this because the Joe Dirt in me really wants to rip sweet burnouts infront of the local Piggly Wiggly in this bitchin' machine. But it's just a bit too rich.

Careful thinking like that will get you strung up around here.

If I'm taking my car to a shop it's because I've decided the pain in the ass factor out weighs the cost. I don't have a garage, a lift, or high end tools so anything I do is in the parking lot on jackstands in whatever the weather feels like being. Mostly comes down to cost vs pain in the ass rating. I'll pay for my

Stop over thinking this. She's a fucking moron. You don't even need to get past the first part of your story. "...and she inched close to the tracks, to the point where the railroad crossing guard arm came down and struck her rear window." She had no respect for train tracks and well I wont say she got what she

Fat of the land is 17 years old. That is all.

Concept cars should die in a fire. Because more times than not its just an exercise in blue ballsing us.

The rear view takes some getting used to but overall I love it. It really brings back the classic look.

Oh so you did it to stop pollution? Thank god there's no such thing as weather and pollution stays right where it's created... Oh wait... Pollution is a global problem? Then lets be honest here. You did it for the money. Either in fine, grants, budget for next year whatever. You didn't do it for the good of the

Oh definitely I see quite a few Jr. ones. Never have seen a Stewart or Gordon one in person... Always kind of liked the Gordon one with the blue and ghost flames. Cheesy sure but it works.

Well they gave him a truck too.

Haha. I actually chose it of my own volition. It's dirt cheap. Reliable. 28MPG. Supercharged. What else can I drive that lets me listen to a tape, cd or satellite all on the same radio while enjoying stupid amounts of torque steer and ensuring I'm the king of any trailer park I visit?

Reverse: My daily driver ensures I never forget about him.

I'd rock the fuck out of that. Which is why I know it will never be made or sold. Much like the volvo concept.... Remember that article about why concept cars are awful and need to die?

I can't star this hard enough. I need to make 50 burner accounts just to start this more.

Spot on. Having driven one around town on a test drive I think they're fantastic. The look, the materials, the quality it's all there. Great little package. And always turns heads.

Duh all of them because if I've learned anything on this site it is don't buy new. And the people that do buy new don't buy the good ones, since of course if you drive interesting cars you probably read this site and as mentioned earlier are told not to buy new.

Great car. Shitty company.

Of all the silly things this automobile does and that's one that off-puts you the most? A non standard redline marker? The rest of the car can look bonkers and be silly almost to the point of being a cartoon but the gauges better be simple and cold... sure.