Obscurity Knocks

I didn't praise art. Public funding of arts in as easily understood as an investment as a transaction. But you knew that already.

If the only way you can assess value is monetarily you're wasting everyone's time and presumably a good education.

Every funding choice is a relative judgement.

Counterpoint : it is a stupid decision.

Welp I can't even spell it appears.

Sp, you'd think the screen writer would know the difference between pension and penchant.

"Does this visitor like the electronica?" is a decent line.

The AV Club

That is the saddest thing I have heard all day.

Have you met Kansas?

Shine a light on this shit until their families and communities have some sort of intervention IMHO

Did they look like stopping voluntarily?

Also, Hitler was a vegetarian. Where is this going?

My granddad had polio and was born into genuine poverty but never saw the need to be a f*ck head online.

Even in my neck of the woods we have gotten so many sympathetic articles seeking to validate the Trump online army this seems like an essential counterpoint.

Because they are amenable to logical argument ordinarily.

If he's admitted it I will happily concede it's true, of course

Man this place is just stuffed with Kingsley Amis groupies.

Fother Mucker I will end you.

Ancer Caids!