Obscurity Knocks


It's crazy right? Still, the onus is on you to prepare a comprehensive spreadsheet setting out the average ratings of every 'black' show to identify those that have been rated too high when compared against their objective merit. Your time starts………now.

You're really signing into this ?

Your argument is *literally*


'The minorities on tv are getting a rails run and the reviewers are deceiving us' seems a weird hill to die on, but you are obviously all in. So, ah, good luck with that.

I feel awesome about myself already and with excellent reason. Pointing out your bizarre posts about minorities isn't even tickling the scales.

Wayans = high AV Club ratings is a difficult argument to mount.

Do you mean a show starring the blacks, made for the blacks or watched by the blacks?

The Blacklist.

stupid minorities.

Au contraire.

Inhumans v Dexter would rock, briefly.

Could you dumb down ur analysis please, some of us in the cheap seats are having trouble keeping up.

Nobody asked for Michael Bay's views.


Wonderful to see such cultured commenters on this cursed site.

You should be able to get Flaubert and A History of The World in 10 ½ Chapters cheap. They are both worth a look IMHO.

Waterland is magnificent. I enjoyed a lot of Barnes' early stuff but he left me cold at about Talking It Over.

I certainly did. I got thrown by your misuse of 'enmity' but that's not a hanging offence.