Obscurity Knocks

How does that explain the ads about the Central Park Five?

Get staff to put a collective anonymous question up. Assuming you're not unionised.

They are NAZIs. Thus used to be a pretty good indicator of evil but hey.

I thought Lilith Fair was a person.

1997, another entry in my decade long period of involuntary sexual drought

You bastard

Not on only does Ginuwine's 'Pony' not stimulate my interest in having intercourse; but it removes my desire to continue living.

Please stop inserting things Satan

I trust my wife implicitly

Shit, he has been watching the old roadrunner cartoons on YouTube lately. Thanks Bizarro Sacrelicious!

Mine suggested putting dynamite in Trump's head today. And again, we don't talk apolitics round him and do not advocate that response.

I had a great time but we were never asked to express a view on particular health policies or the relative merits of different political leaders.

The methodology statement was ambiguous, at best.

I think we're agreeing. This will be Yahoo central. And for what?

One in four motherfuckers believe the sun revolves around the earth. It might be unreasonable to expect a nuanced response to this experiment.

Do electoral colleges exist? Yes they do.

I sincerely wish you well with this approach while thinking it seems wildly implausible and likely to be misinterpreted

It's depressing when someone makes a stack of comments you like and then goes down this road. Dropping SJW is a reliable indicator the speaker is a dipshit 99.9999999% of the time. Those are bad odds.

Far too generous

Oh. Is he one of those.