Obscurity Knocks

If you were romantic about the a Russian empire I would seek immediate clinical help. Or crack a book

Roll it out baby, explain why the general populous was comfortable with the russian empire, the Stalinist regime and the current kleptocracy?

That is some kindergarten level analysis, but I'll bite.

Works in every situation

Yeah nah.

Everybody celebrates International Women's Day their own way.

Unable to win actual governing.

She should of have enthused about a nuclear arms race. That seems to have been a real winner.

Maybe it's, and I'm just spitballing here, a fetish of some sort?

All modern music is rubbish.

Annnnnd government is also to blame for failing to rein in the excesses of the church.
It almost seems like something else is at play here.

Finally some content for the young folk.

You're wasting your time. The goalposts will just keep moving.

*golf clap*

If you're looking for commissars, I suggest you head to Pennsylvania Avenue.

You must be thrilled China just announced its increasing military spending to deal with the Orange haired moron's threats.

Vulnerability between consenting adults can be erotic but this is one invitation I will decline.

Always Australia.

It can be two things

Or, more appositely, 'if the President said he walked across the Potomac and there were no witnesses or anything etc.'.