Obscurity Knocks

Yes, that sounds …..terrible.

go back to info wars champ

They rarely use the term 'sitting president' and putting Trump at the level of te mouth breathers who could make this error is even more alarming.

Once more I have chosen unwisely in the office betting pool.

It was good while it lasted *sets fire to monitor*

Ned, stop it at once.

Kudos for the thoughtful sentence construction.

You did great bunny

Apparently God is comfortable with his objectives being achieved through an imperfect vessel.


Also known as 'Tuesday'.

*sprains wrist in haste to draw comparisons with current political environment*

Yeah. Hard to think of McCain or even (gulp) Cruz enthusing about a nuclear arms race.

Yeah I think there's something in that. It fits, in mind, with the argument most of his vote was locked in because - ta da- he was the Republican candidate in a 2 horse race.

Maybe his and their platforms align (who the hell knows?) but his active contempt for the institutions of politics and questionable background is uncharted territory

What a great, great movie that was.

I expect commenters to treat the proposition "Katey Sagal plays a servile hologram"with the decorous chivalry they have become legendary for.

Must you shoehorn Natalie Imbruglia into every thread?

Yes and yes you are
