Obscurity Knocks

Cheers, I'm getting heaps of positive feedback at the mo' so I'll add this to the list.

Demand your money back

I miss Arrested Development

This whole chicken impersonation business is getting out of hand.

" If you don't like Maher' don't watch his show you triggered SJW snowflake"

Or make a lovely, if unwieldy, brooch!

Ah yes, the ability to cause offence, the truest measure of any argument's merit.

It seems like a sure fire path to popularity and respect from one's peers.

Thank heavens the internet is free from racial epithets. We really dodged a bullet there.

As is pie.

You seem nice.

Your studied avoidance of hyperbole is also to your credit bruh

I live for this sort of feedback

I think we are going to disagree in whether your definition is unreasonably reductive.

Yep, the choice of language deployed in political discourse is completely meaningless bro

Opinions are bad!

Theists are going to draw the line where the state intervenes if atheists don't. That seems a reasonable interstate to link your belief system to.


It's finally our time.

Yeah I assumed making it was an ordeal but had no idea how bad it was.