Obscurity Knocks

He outlawed political opposition the same day he came for the guns, attended the mosque and publicly obstructed the Trump transition team.

I've seen the Danish film of that title and found its political stance mostly implicit.

Yes, that's why the ACLU is as keen to jail people for speech offences as hardcore conservatives.

*cracks effete liberal knuckles and winces*.

Oh I have, trust me. And his fiction with varying degrees of enthusiasm. He may have known what he stood for and been the pre-eminent Western chronicler of the dangers of various forms of political control but he was an imperfect analyst. His stance on POUM makes for interesting reading, for example.


To this movie or just…..generally. Because that changes my answer.

*tearfully contributes to Milo kick-starter*


If by leftistm you mean, 'a concept I just totally made up to fit my own prejudices', sure.

Excellent quote. The point I was trying to make was that trying to untangle nationalism, religion, regionalism, cultural bonds, strategic compromises, personal grievances and naked self interest from politic dogma after what he saw in Spain must have been mind blowing. Hence the effectiveness of the book in focusing

Busts, please.

And Last Tango in Paris

The bush was pretty shocking.

I don't think even he could make sense of political theory after the Spanish Civil War, except to reject totalitarianism and exploitation generally. And petty poetically of course.

This is exactly the content I come to the AV Club for

We are a vitally important strategic partner. Why must you continually mock us?

And more prudent energy management policies

Vegemite, motherfuckers

These are all good, if alarmingly overthought, points