Yes. Investigations revealed that the “error” was actually programmed into it and the system identified the pedestrian as a “false positive”, ooops. Human programmers screwed up in defining the parameters for AI decision making.
Yes. Investigations revealed that the “error” was actually programmed into it and the system identified the pedestrian as a “false positive”, ooops. Human programmers screwed up in defining the parameters for AI decision making.
Did you forget the minder person wasn’t doing her job? Why keep those people if they don’t do what the company hired them for?
Did you read the book? The idea that the cops did nothing for decades is completely false. Much of the book is her literally talking to the cops who worked on this case. And she didn’t solve it, the guy they arrested is never mentioned in the book. I can appreciate the fact that she sort did much time and helped bring…
Whatever it was that nailed this guy’s coffin shut, I’m here for it. Yesterday must have been an incredible emotional rollercoaster of a day for those who loved his murder victims and the survivors. May they sleep better at night knowing that he is finally, finally behind bars.
A friend of mine posted this, and I thought it worth repeating.
Even Trump knows it’s bad when your bag man gets raided.
Omarosa already told us. (If she shacks up with Rob Porter right now, we need to stage an intervention.)
So will Trump’s next communications director be someone from Fox News or a concierge from one of his hotels?
Curious what her real type is like... maybe she has a childhood love and they plotted this life together.
My mother and I were never close. It’s probably because we’re so alike—stubborn, unyielding and always right. It’s…
Educated guess: They’re “quiverfull” nutjobs like the Duggars:
This just makes me miss Ashley.
The old adage “When you point the finger, you have three pointing back at you” rang true in the United Nations on…
Previously on White House Apprentice, Donald Trump and his attorneys tried to stop Steve Bannon from saying bad…
Look, I know that we’ve all cringed over the inappropriate relationship that President Donald Trump has with his…
You’re wrong.