
In the 80's when I worked for a General Motors dealership I got a car that had been driven by a teacher and she claimed that she did not know that the oil had to be changed on a regular basis. The small Pontiac turbo charged engine did manage to make to to about 20,000 miles, by then the inside of the engine looked

This individual should be charged with cruelty to a machine, have their drivers license take away and be banned from riding any type of vehicle and privileges and comforts they bring us.

Are they lame

If he admits to global warming the government will have to cover your medical expenses They will eliminate every possible probable cause to avoid liability.

Is that the reason why the Polish president provided buses for the masses to have transportation to go see Donald Trump. They they attend voluntarily or bribed and force to go.

They been together for over 2 hours. are they playing a round of put-put in their extended meeting

Its easier to sneak the party girls there.

His hand is on top to hide the note Putin passed on.


After formally meeting late in the day they meet for about one hour

Will the WHITE HOUSE have any waivers left when the witching

Put him thru the grinder !

Or just carry a snuggie to cover all bases

Now playing

No toga partie for you. A few bad apples always have to bend the rules !

Is that the reason why snow melts so fast inside the beltway ?

We go sleeveless at toga parties.

He is a reptile wearing a mask