
The Chippendales and The Dancing Bears know how hot it gets with a suit on.

Neither one prevails over comfort or aesthetics, the consumer always pays the overall cost whether it’s a service or a product.

Any business also has the right to refuse you service.

He should have to pay extra for the containers.

Waste of time and packaging.


There is a difference between a actor, and a dictator wanting to be a director of the GREAT UNITED STATES.

the joker looking for his STAR

How can any one respect a man that does not respect himself or any one not agreeing with him. He just can’t eliminate his enemies like his friend Vladimir.

from Rae ) Claire lower,,

Its not in there, but tomatoes are very acidic when i find the article or post I will put it up, Tomatoes are a super food but there are people that have reaction to acidic food my brother used to be one of them when young. I never had the problem till I started getting older. There is a comment on this thread

He has his dough in the bank. unless they can sue.

Can we modern humanoids be a by product of both evolution and creation.

Ihave read that tomaoes and eggplant and other vegetables in exess can be very harmful to the body.

I have heard that fridge temperature alters the tomato taste and chemistry. I like a tomatoes at room temperature with a little salt.

The medical research field has not had much success with cloning. Are we willing to start modifying life. One of the research field that President George W. Bush put a stop in public intitutions was STEM CELL research””

It can be a inherited disorder or acquired mitochondrial dysfunction due to adverse effects of drugs, infections, or other environmental causes (see MeSH).