I wonder if ORANGUTANS have faith when there is no water and no fruit, they certainly don’t go apeshit like their cousins the gorillas, which are known to be cannibals just as some humans. Either thru perversion as the former J Dammer. or in need of survival. Dam good thing they the apes of the many species, don’t…
While aging is not a disease for most of the population there are a few that suffer from progeria. I see progeria as a genetic disorder not as a disease. A disease is passed on thru bacteriologic means or socially. There are some that choose their own aging demise thru drinking, smoking, stress and other factors…
While aging is not a disease for most of the population there are a few that suffer from progeria. There are some that choose their own aging demise thru drinking, smoking, stress and other factors in life. I have a friend that won the most beautiful 4 year old girl in 1946. Today she has a beautiful clear complexion…
Ya think the Trumps go to church or say prayer during meals. She did have to read The Lords Prayer during a introduction in Melbourne FL a few months ago. Totally fake and it was staged by themselves.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So why is the WHITE HOUSE occupant putting in his 2 cents worth. The English government has made their decision as a sovereign nation. The occupant himself said he was not going to police the decisions of other nations.
Damage to intracellular structures can not be reversed by man.
He is trying to redeem himself for all his misdeeds.
How selfish have we become, there are problems God can’t solve. We may not like his solution. Any man holy or not can not be grater than almighty GOD.
As in off not running, if your battery is in good shape you should not have any problems, the battery does have reserve capacity. there are vehicles designed to keep the fans running after you shut them off for a few minutes.
The benefits of using the right coolant are worth every dollar, as long as the coolant is properly maintained, serviced, and changed. When it wears out it can become very harmful to the interior walls of the metals. It can eat them up thru corrosion and electrolysis. Have you ever seen the plastic tanks that look…
The temperature of the engine is controlled by the thermostat. Different fluid compositions remove heat thru a radiator at different rates. Water in it self can transfer heat easier or faster than coolants. BUT it can not protect engines from high operating temperatures, if you have a modern engine that runs above 200…
A good read for any car driver.
Check your vehicle at least one week(preferably two) before you take off on a long trip. Belts tire, tire pressure and fluids it may save you a whole lot of time and money. Don’t wait till the last moment. a adjustment or a top off may be required after service. and you hit the road.
As long as it is water based and it will get you some where it worth a try . As long as you have it flushed and neutralized immediately !!!!
You must have had another issue. a working cooling system with out a thermostat should not overheat or belch out the coolant from the system. unless you in the antarctic and your radiator is frozen.
Got to know your vehicle, I had one that would start to overheat with a quart low on coolant with no liquid in the recovery. I have always thought that a low coolant sensor should be a necessity of modern radiators and cooling systems.
Chernobyl type meltdown !!!!
It depends on the severity of the occurrence, once and the needle not quite fully pegged, not likely. Reoccurring and the needle pegs and you start hearing noises such as vapor lock and precognition more likely hood of damage that will occur.