TE Mark Murderer
TE Mark Murderer
Code? That sounds like job killing regulations!
Iiiiiiiii’m gonna guess that the crane wasn’t erected* quite up to code. Just a hunch.
Of course NASCAR endorses Trump. Their fans are one of the populations that really connected with Trump’s want to fuck a family member
Toronto now desperately hopes it wasn’t a franchise peak too.
My co-worker has been a Warriors fan for his whole life (50 years) and is very level-headed and rational about the whole finals so far. It’s so annoying.
Do you get a bonus for how many Dead Letters you provoke or do you just dig chumming the dark waters?
This is a killer comment.
Oscar Pistorius competed in the Olympics. And that guy has NO calves.
I guarantee Bumgarner has said “so much for the tolerant Left!” at least once in the past three years.
Clearly the problem is an overabundance of black bile. I prescribe one teaspoon of quicksilver per day, until his four humors return to harmony.
Fucking basketball fans don’t know what hardship is. - Deadspin soccer fans.
This is going to keep happening until some of these fucks go to jail for manslaughter.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake” - Me, a Cubs fan
Me yesterday: “Man, I really wish someone would finally sign Craig Kimbrel.”
After this Marlins series.
Along with Pedro Strop and his stupid off-center hat the Cubs now lead MLB in having the most annoying to watch bullpen.
“Let’s go Lakers!”
Who The Hell Wants To Run The Wizards?