Obscure Cactus

I think Jonah Hill did this as a favor for Todd Phillips since he wisely turned down the Hangover series. Jonah almost was Shia's college roommate in Transformers 2. What a crazy different career trajectory

trimming lower back hair is quite prudent

"You're not an asshole Mark, you are just trying so hard to be"

do you have it?

Why are Abbi & Ilana acting like extreme versions of their characters this season? At least It's Always Sunny took 5 or 6 seasons for them to become caricatures

'the new ECTO-1 runs off tampons and crushes old copies of the previous films in its wake'

thank you to all the manchildren out there

The tossing of the blu-rays was perfect. I died during the Goodfellas rant. In fact the whole special features debate hit way too close to home

He acts like if Chris Martin had venom symbiote and if this show was set in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man universe.

Hilarious episode. The established character dynamics are on full display here even down to small details like Elijah siting on a stump in his underwear.


Whaaaat? I pop in my FUNNY PEOPLE blu ray from time to time just to watch his daughter perform Memory from Cats!

the last ten minutes of this fell completely flat.

great ep! nuff said

ultra light beams come from bleached assholes

his interviews are pretty bad..I like the 'smug, aw shucks - fish out of water' delivery when discussing politics and social issues but that good will is running out quickly too

I was at this show when he effortlessly tore this dude down & kicked him out.

I dig the art style

I bought the black series figure of her before the film was released. I threw it out my window on the highway a few weeks ago. Now I just have a stormtrooper on my desk

I saw KUNG FU PANDA 2 stoned and for free. It was enjoyable