Obscure Cactus

Goddamnit Netflix give us all seasons.

Fucking yes. Let's be mates

No, its if Chris Martin was a misogynist asshole

the Harris Wittels WTF messed me up for exactly the reasons listed. Hearing him talk about drugs prior to his stints at rehab and then learning about them in blunt detail in Pete Holmes podcast from November 2014 was almost too fucking intense to listen to. RIP man.

TRAINING DAY hasn't aged well at all. I blame THE WIRE


wow. ~ epic crank ~

I love that woman.


Marnie is worse for having no backbone and failing to see she's Plan B. I said it before but I picture Desi as the asshole lothario version of Chris Martin.


disliking Channing Tatum is so 2010

I didn't laugh once.

people like Moe?

I like how Desi looks and acts like a coffee shop version of Chris Martin.

There Will Be Tears.

He has a hoop earring

I'm going to miss The Colbert Report dearly

Hell yes to Southern Bastards & Zero! More people need to talk about those books

imagine taking my post seriously.