Obscure Cactus

Even Sid from Toy Story wants a pony

I wasn't overly impressed but I shall watch the next episode for sure.

Lots of people do

there is a new actor playing Daario right? anybody know why?

who the fuck are these people? they can't even pour beer

Damn good film! Iron Man 3 was really dumb in its execution of ideas to serve the Marvel universe whereas this was smarter and generally more a lot interesting with higher stakes. It did begin to feel bloated as time went on with a few plot threads, especially with the cross editing in the 3rd act mid-climax. However

I missed it. What was it?

the Zola thing was iffy for me personally but I liked it better than any of the wild shit Iron Man 3 attempted to serve for the Marvel Universe

you are really going places, Miguel

jizz jazz

Where the fuck is Mark Wahlberg

Uhh this should be 6 stars out of 5. Now I'm officially worried.

goddamnit now I wanna rewatch LOST

STDS? how about we talk STP? Stone Temple Pilots. That's a good band!

I was working at theatre when this came out and seeing people's reactions opening weekend was brilliant/depressing. So many walkouts and so many comparisons to Fast & Furious

That was fucking perfect along with Hannah trying to do her eye makeup like Olivia Wilde and failing. How does Olivia do it??

How is that a detriment? seems like an unnecessary dig

i literally died

how exactly does Lena Dunham "take it for granted" ?

im crying