I love you but I've chosen hooning!

I was rooting for you until I press the english button on your website and realized it had been literally years since anyone has rickrolled me. For that, *I hope your Spirit brand gets brought out by Anheuser-Busch and they change the formula into the most water down flavorless version they can before importing it to

I must be the only person around that adores this car. It’s beautiful and a HUGE turn around for Maserati as of late. I haven’t lusted after a Maser in decades, and never thought I would again... but here we are.

Oh... Oh no.

I’m sorry your girlfriend cheated on you, but...

What’s the name of this spirits brand? I enjoy spirits deeply and regularly.

As much as I loved spending 90 minutes looking for a half-decent comment so that a COTD post could be the worst performing post on the site every week, and everyone would complain that I was shit in the comments, it’s going to have to take a REALLY good comment to bring it back.

This is so Rad.  I can’t wait to see that sweet, leather interior.

They know what they got (coronavirus)

*sniffs the air*
I smell Fyre Festival.

Brett, thank you. Deeply. I feel so validated by this post.

You’re probably going to fucking die in a flaming mass of splattered flesh and crumpled bones with the jetpack, but it still beats flying with United.

This article is just an excuse to write about Detroit techno and Kraftwerk.

Yeah, the Detroit/Berlin connection is real. It’s no coincidence that underground superstars Like Ritche Hawtin and Magda, among many others, moved there. I’ve known a bunch of the DJ’s from the scene and to hear what they command for appearance fees, airfare, hotel etc. for a weekend appearance would blow some

not only that Robert [Palmer] was re-marrying but that he met his new wife four months before asking for a divorce.

You know, I saw this the other day and thought of you and this future headline and how you would be wrong. It’s a flying car in the sense that quadcopters are “drones”. Technically incorrect but the correct term in the popular lexicon.

Republicans present an entire Grand-Guignol of atrocious things to say about Chelsea Clinton and Sasha and Malia Obama.

That 100% polyester ectoplasm dress is a monstrosity of color, material, and proportion. There’s a reason it’s on clearance.

Huh they updated the Synergy 2010 concept.

For the liberal intellectuals it’s the cocktail party principle. These guys expect to be able to say anything they want for the sake of a “thought experiment”. They expect those around them to smile bemusedly at their eccentricity since they have the credentials and the gentility to pull it off. How dare you point out

“A restaurant uses ingredients”

He’s a New York douchebag with money, so in my experience... isn’t he?