I love you but I've chosen hooning!

Well, when your president only cares about bungabunga, the likelihood of appropriate balance between labor and management is quite small. We can all probably agree that labor in Europe needs a wake-up call. But globally, the major problem isn't that labor is asking for too much. The problem is that corporations are

They wrecked that poor e36 cop car. Dicks.

Soon, Matt. Soon my prediction will come true...

"The words “appreciation” and “admiration” are painfully hollow when you take a piece of clothing from a community and strip it of its intent and the consequences that come from it... If I wear a burqa, nijab.. or hell even a fucking hijab, I’m a stupid, brown savage who has no capacity to think for herself. But when

Tonto originally starred in an ad for Jeep, about Cherokees being driven off the lot to make room for the new Patriots

Talking about weird relationships

Another Roman walks into the same bar and says,

Living in the Bay Area, you need to find low budget hobbies. Plane spotting doesnt get much cheaper, unless you are shooting with something besides the Mattel Toys "My First Camcorder".

An app that sets you up with people and suggests that maybe you're not as gay as you think you are? Hell, my grandma does that for free.

I for one, do not approve of socialists like you getting a free ride "working" for the government, you wouldn't survive in the free market economy.

On a rereading, HOLY fucking shit. How disingenuous. The vast majority of the blame of the extinction falls on the countries demanding the ivory and animal parts, and the vast majority of poaching are carried out by a small number of native Africans profiting off these animals. This is some pathetic, embarrassingly

Curious how you left out the part about the rhino's impending extinction being more or less the result of Chinese demand for exotic animal parts for Chinese medicine.

To me it looks like a VW XL1 spinoff... But I'm a bit hungover from my "my wife is freshly pregnant" BBQ last night

Grumpy car!

Landkreis Ahrweiler - the only place to register your Aston Martin!

I'm assuming the masking tape is because there's not a license plate mount on this beauty?

Disrespecting my car.