I love you but I've chosen hooning!

Alright, I guess it was poorly communicated on my part. Let me try again: I was surprised by how quickly and efficiently the government was able to put protocols in place, such as curfews, controls, even going as far as monitoring mobile data to see where people gathered in big numbers. I am not equating the two

I learned my lesson, don’t start discussions on the internet because some idiot like you comes along with a whole army of straw-men.

Yeah you didn’t get my point at all.

Who is we in the west? Not wanting to be one of those guys, but the responses to Covid in many western countries had a strong authoritarian flavor. I am not going to get into a discussion about whether the lockdowns were warranted or not, but the mechanics of it all weren’t too far off what illiberal democracies like

He fucking nailed it in Blade Runner 2049

Would watch PotC:TNG in a heartbeat, but only if it had the look and the feel of those whacky cheap made-for-tv sequels.

Probably going to see this one when it hits streaming services. I absolutely loved 1-3, but never managed to make it all the way through 4 because I felt the magic was gone. The trailers and the plot synopsis don’t give me the feeling that it has come back. 

Ngl this song turned me into a vegetarian.

I watched it yesterday, on the tiniest screen my cinema had to offer. I loved it, plain and simple. Obviously my main draw was Keaton and boy did he deliver, the inner child in me rejoiced. I was afraid they would make “oh look he is old” jokes or turn him into a spiteful old man, but they didn’t. My gf looked at me

Theory is that Madonna had a stroke from reading this headline.

Can movies be feminist?

Evan Peters was the best thing about WandaVision.

Wait, did they announce who is going to play Batman?

Doesn’t he need to be a guy?

I am sorry to hear that you are bored by this, I on the other hand find the subject of billionaires dying by the hand of their own hubris still very entertaining. Also in terms of meta commentary, this is just priceless!

And that’s fact!

i.e. roids

I was hoping we’d get a dynamic between Batman and Robin that’s a bit like Tony Stark and Spider-Man in the movies, i.e. highly talented and overly ambitious mentee who a) respects and looks up to his mentor and b) actually needs a mentor, as for everything he does right there is a lot of stuff that he does wrong,

Even worse, some compared it to the Scorpion King and the Scorpion King came out on top.

Rewatching Temple of Doom recently, there is the scene where Willie asks Indy if he knows how to fly a plane and he says “No, but it can’t be that hard”. In Last Crusade, Indys father asks him the same and he says “Flying yes, landing no” which I thought was a subtle way of showing that he must’ve had may adventures