I love you but I've chosen hooning!

Honestly, this rear end would be a revelation for GM. For Ferrari it’s disappointing.

ETA It’s ridiculous that I even had to look this up, and, honestly, it angers me since it is arguing with Western ignorance that correlates race to skin color only (spoiler alert: this is not how the rest of the world works).

I heard that it’s because of insurance rates or something. Then again, does a Porsche owner really care about that?

Yes and it’s very obnoxious. Not unlike Americans in Paris.

Wendy Bird is going to be on the SCOTUS? I think the new season of OZARK has gone too far...

The EQC was decried here by the press in Germany. Mercedes made a big stink about launching its first dedicated electric car, yet the response was lackluster due to limited range (among other things) and very high costs. Personally, my money is on VW becoming the main Tesla competitor. I am getting a new company car

Cocaine: Old, white and overrated!

Holy shit, the sheer comedic gold of the comment section blew me away!

Or at the beach in some countries, but yeah bad form

The 986 Boxster has grown on me over the years and I am actually considering buying one as a fun car. Having said that, aren’t these so unloved that ones in fairly good condition can be had for 10k-15k?

They can’t try husband and wife daughter for the same crime!

The man is Chris Farleys cousin, goofballery runs in the family!

The most goodest of the bestest boys and girls

I googled the VW Holocaust “pun”... “EBIT macht frei” - Holy fucking hell, what the fuck was he thinking?

I gladly accept all the scorn I will get for this, but....

Holy shit am I a Bradley stan now. This dude is on fire and y’all throwing gasoline on him.

Let me add to that: Statements made by people who have no clue that China and Australia have both lost wars to birds. 

Sorry dude, but this type of hypothetical jingoism is what got Robert Muldoon killed. Do you really think you’re a greater hypothetical hunter than Booby Muldoon? I didn’t think so.

Is this a real quote though? Couldn’t find a verified source for it. It sounds more like something reaganite anti-government people came up with.