I mean you say that they wouldn‘t have used lethal force in response to a minor infraction, but the reason people are protesting is specifically because the police have used lethal force in response to a minor infraction in the past.
I mean you say that they wouldn‘t have used lethal force in response to a minor infraction, but the reason people are protesting is specifically because the police have used lethal force in response to a minor infraction in the past.
Though that would be “Revenge of the Nerds”... good lord
I take “Widely beloved movies with scenes and characters that haven’t aged that well” for 500, Alex.
Dude, Bradley you seem to have a very agressive and dismissive stance towards other commenters. You’re picking fights like a drunken Russel Crow and I just want you to know that as a long time Jalopnik reader, I am here for it. I love it. That’s the shit I come here for.
Thank you!
Btw this is not “Mary Poppins” & “The Exorcist”, it’s “Mary Poppins - The Exorcist” a movie about that one time when Mary’s foster children were possessed by Satan and she chased him away with the power of song and dance.
Slap a Z badge on it. Boom! Problem, here’s your solution.
Honestly, I am very disappointed that they didn’t build a tiny gas burning V12 engine into this.
Yeah, his entire argument boiled down to “I don’t like thing”.
To the guy who asked „Who the fuck cares?“ in the first post, here is your answer. Audi does.
That has to be the most beautiful thing I have read in a long, long time. I am sorry for your loss, but thank you for sharing your experience with us.
I got a haircut the other day with a facemask on and in comes another customer who lowered his mask every time he talked to somebody. This shit infuriated me. He also didn’t cover his nose with his mask. Fucking idiots.
I don’t consider myself a bike man... well apart from road bikes maybe, but this is a handsome bike. Well done you!
Ok, that’s dark.
Ok, fair point. Why should I, a hard working honest tax-payer and stockholder pay for dividends of other people or bail-out billionaires with my tax-money?
No, we just wonder whether hard working, honest folks are the ones who will profit the most from dividends, or billionaires like the Quandt Family - it’s probably the latter. So sure, BMW can pay as many dividends as they want, but consequently they should be barred from getting any state aid. Why should my tax euros…
For my taste, the new cars look better than the older models - which doesn‘t mean they were ugly, quite the contrary, I just like the new ones more. I think that AM may suffer from the same problem that any sports car maker not named Ferrari suffers from, the demand for pure-bred sports cars isn‘t as strong as it used…
Horrible events allow people with low self esteem to divert all the attention they crave to themselves. I am not even mad, I find it just very, very sad. A (former) friend of mine used to claim he was Jewish and that many in his family died during the Holocaust. He also said that he had cancer, was undergoing…
Things I learned today: McLarens depreciate quickly.
There is a modernized Blaupunkt Bavaria (?) that is slightly cheaper but at 500€ a pop still not cheap. However I am totally considering it for my E30 convertible.