I love you but I've chosen hooning!

The i8 is a car of compromise. It didn’t go out there to set the world on fire. Quite on the contrary, it was supposed to be an exercise in sustainability. Of course that didn’t impress the “MOOOAAAR-POWRRRR” crowd. But hey, this is literally why can’t have nice things.... and will all die due to global warming.

Sales figures for Europe and the US respectively:

Not really a super car, but while we’re discussing obscure German brands that have an A and a G in their name, I give you the Artega GT. It has a proper 2010 handsomeness but suffered from severe gremlins. 

Nazis hate this one simple trick!

Medicine, drug... same difference!

Personally, I really like the walk-in kidney of the X8. Mind you, not as spacious as the condominium kidney of the X9 but at least you don’t have to worry about jet engine noise like with the airport kidney of the X10.


A list of 80's Tom Cruise sequels I demand, because I am a non-apologetic Tom Cruise fan (honestly, whenever I get asked who my favorite actor is (which doesn’t happen too often to be honest) I spurt out “Tom Cruise” and get heavy side-eye for it, but damn it the guy has energy and pzazz and nice sunglasses):

Handsome car!

Shot for shot Remake of Jaws but with Mustangs. 

I lol‘ed so hard, my gf wanted to know what‘s so funny so I tried explaining it to her but half an hour into the joke she just looked at me and said „it‘s fine. Thank you.“

This is what the nu Defender should have been.

That’s not a 993! That’s a 964!

Typical Post-Gawker smear job. I come here for car related news not political agendas. Please keep that stuff either to yourselves or go find a job at a political outlet.

They sent you to the Opera for trying to drive the Mona Lisa?

The problem is, I can smell that picture. And it doesn’t smell nice.

It doesn’t look that bad on picture, but compared to a BMW or Mercedes of the same vintage it is.  

While we’re at it....

Tell that to the people selling 4-door SUV coupes