I love you but I've chosen hooning!

As a millenial, I‘d like to state that I was getting my driver‘s licence at a later age before it was cool.

A mass attack is carried out against a religious minority on their most important holiday by an islamic terrorist group, according to the go vernment. And you are worried about anti-muslim attacks? What the hell is wrong with you? That‘s as if you were afraid of anti-white backlash after Christchurch.

I believe BMW did. Susanne Klatten of the Quandt Family, majority shareholder of BMW,  bought battery manufacturer Varta. 

Shouldn‘t it be Le Coupe though?

*Thinks you’re joking with that asbestos filter*
*Checks Wikipedia*
Me: Wow.

Because design of characters in games seems to be perpetually stuck in the 90's. Mohawks, goatees etc. I can’t watch game trailers because most of them are so cringy.

Omg was it Jim Carrey?

Don’t you know? „Renovation“ is the politically correct term for „islamist terrorist attack“. Back in the day they would say that Al Qaida destroyed the WTC, today they say that they renovated it. 

I’ve realized that Mercs stuff looks good on pictures, yet falls flat in real life. On the other hand, I find that SEAT currently kills it with its interiors. Case in point the Leon

I found this comment hilarious!

It‘s probably going to be a 4 door SUV coupe. Search your feelings, you know it to be true. 

Unfortunately not. But for a long time I’ve felt alone because I am very catholic and conservative when it comes to things that only affect my life, yet very progressive in everything beyond that.

Lucky me, because I wanted to get some Wow air tickets this summer in order to finally see the glorious US of A with my own eyes. Unlucky me, I’m super stingy and spend very little money on traveling so it’s going to be very hard to convince myself to spend upwards €600 for a trip over the pond.

There were two girls on that tape actually, one was 16 the other 22. Sketchy behavior, but not necessarily child predator stuff.

I’m a devout Catholic (who is also ultra-progressive and absolutely fucking furious at the Church right now

With the current trend of drug use normalization in music and popular culture and the advent of Volkswagens MEB Platform, I expect weird ass kit-cars to make a grand comeback to the automotive stage. I for one welcome my chinese built car body that I ordered on Amazon for 29.99.

Nah, I’m getting more of a Mark Strong vibe here. Maybe Stanley Tucci, but I think that Strong is better suited for megalomanic characters out of touch with reality.

I am actually thinking about getting one. They’re fantastic for crowded European cities. Whenever I have a meeting with a client in the city and don’t have to transport much stuff, I use Smart car sharing rather than my company car. Not having to worry about a parking spot is actually quite sweet!

The thing around the shifting knob looks like my dogs lady parts, but apart from that I really dig the whole thing. What model is this?

For some reason I find this very funny. Porsche has finally put the 911 shape on the Cayenne.