I love you but I've chosen hooning!

Honestly, I don’t get why the guy is so popular.

Sorry to hijack this thread, but I recently watched a couple of SNL Pete Davidson clips and is it just me or does the guy combine the youthful arrogance of Eddie Murphy with the talent of Jimmy Fallon?

The MK VII is a god damn handsome car, probably the best looking hatch on the market. 

This is so tacky. She dresses like an Eastern European woman, trying to dress like an American woman that wants to dress like a French woman.


- Weird political beliefs

The comment section is so quiet, because most people here thought that Romania was a WWE wrestling event in Italy.

As an external observer (from outside the US), who‘s read his fair share of articles from both sides of the ailes (Jez, Nyt, but also American Conservative, and yes... sorry.. Breitbart), I didn‘t think this would go through. Just as I didn‘t think Trump would win back in the day. Now I wonder, will Trump somehow win

Porsche is a company. Companies like money. People like money too, but some people like Porsches more than money. So they exchange their money for products of the Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AG.

Dude... Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund or NSU. An infamous right wing terror organization that murdered 9 people of foreign descent and a police woman in the aughts, robbed banks,  while remaining completely under the radar of the authorities. 

Because these days, the acronym NSU is a bit... tainted...

It’s a common misconception that Conservative Moral Values(tm) are based on the Bible, at least not all of them. For instance, the Bible is full of rape which is fine. But have you ever thought about what effect “Feeding the multitude” would have on the agricultural sector? Prices for fish and crops would plummet

Yeah, unfortunately only in America. Here in Germany a used F-Type from, say, 2015 still goes for....

Hot Take: Audi failed to do what BMW did successfully (fight me, I’m right here) in the early aughts, that is revamping the brand’s design language in a meaningful way. Instead they took their simple and clean lines and added more and more lines, until it became messy. Case in point: The E-Tron, the new A7 (I like

This is a correct opinion. The Karmann Ghia comparison is also apt, since those cars weren’t rare either. 

For the love of god people, if your last name is Antonoff don’t give your kid the name Jack.

I couldn’t figure out why Drake gets all this hate became so popular all of a sudden, although I hate him too. I googled it and found:

Reading this article, then your comment has been a huge waste of time. And by writing this comment, I am just wasting much more of it. Thanks for nothing!

Holy Batmobile, Batman!