Mrs. Stephen Fry

The orange wasn’t good. It does taste a lot like an orange crush. No Diet Coke flavor at all. Way, way too sweet. I did like the Ginger Lime and Mango, however. Not bad at all. I wish they still made Diet Coke with Lemon. That was heavenly.

I like the taste of Diet Coke, too. I think Coke and Coke Zero Sugar are gross.

Same. I really liked the show. *shrug*

It’s not a dancing kind of place. Ever. The coffee is great. The crepes are also amazing. He’s just a disgusting old creep.

I have a great dane. Happy to assist.

It’s a wonderful thing. I’ve been using them for about five years, and I will never, ever go back.

The problem I have with this is that she is attempting to “shame” or be a jerk about other tattoos Dan has done. They aren’t on necks or hands. They are done well. So what is your issue? You are just going to have a fit and “shame” someone because you didn’t get what you wanted? That’s not cool. It’s just tacky.

She wanted a tattoo, but as soon as they refused to give it to her, based on their policy, she has a fit and posts images of other tattoos he’s done? Very mature. I’m definitely Team Tattoo Artist.

You sound fun.

I drink a lot of Diet Coke. I have perfect teeth. So yeah. Go to the dentist, take care of yourself otherwise, and you won't have meth mouth.


Oh, yeah. Totes.

I have multiple advanced degrees, a great job at an important company, and I have multiple piercings and tattoos. Couldn't give a shit what you think. Pull your head out, you silly, sad person.

Well done for making this clear. Arkansas is my home state, and it irritates me when people pretend like the whole state is like fucking Deliverance.