
... Zenyatta?

I disagree. It feels like luck in the beginning, because you’re untalented at the game. I know. I was there. It’s really only map 4 where luck plays a significant role. The 3 other maps can be completed with most seeds by far.

For those who got curious and want a short non-meme review:

Wait, wait, wait.
“The site’s mission is simply to make paid Patreon content available for free,”
So the admin, and presumably creator of the site, readily admits that the sole purpose of the site is to act as a hub for piracy?
How is this not super easy to take down?

If your base fits in one screenshot, then it isn’t big enough. That’s the only help I ever provide.

I’m really happy for you, and I’mma let you finish, but ‘the hyperspace scene’ was the best star wars scene of all time.

There’s a manga about this, for those who are interested: Dungeon Meshi (Dungeon Meal)

Personally, I think this entire debacle is blown way out of proportion. I get that he’s a —Err, role-model? Not quite the word I’m looking for, but it will suffice— for a bunch a people, most of whom are young (I guess), and I agree that in his position he should be pretty conscious of what he says. And he is. He

Personally, I think everybody is overreacting. I think it’s stupid to hold on to the weight of ‘the n-word’ in a clearly non-racist situation. We’re all bombarded with the word in movies, social media and music, and yet everybody is all “no no, you can’t use that”. Chill.
“But, but! He used the version with an R. Not

I disagree. I personally wasn’t very excited about DA:I but I gave it a generous 7/10 back then. It was a fine game. But nothing more and that was a damn shame ‘cause it was practically oozing potential.

With all our technology, I’m amazed that we still haven’t gotten robots or mechs to walk somewhat naturally. I know it’s immensely difficult and all that jazz, but I mean c’mon - we’re planning the colonization of another planet, and yet we can barely get a robot to walk.

Ha. Ha. Ha. Oh Felix, you rascal you. Got me good. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Please. Someone stop this carousel of laughter. Ha. Ha. Ha.


Nvm, I’m blind
“fixed ... and Pantheon bonuses that were not applying correctly”

So they didn’t fix Goddess of the Harvest? Disappointing.

Couple that with obscure non-standartized password rules, and “Remember me” options and no in the history of ever will be able to remember them.
I literally keep a document on my desktop full of passwords and usernames for all sorts of shit and I consult it more often than I’d like.

All the good news! All of it! News! Good! Best! Yeeeesss!
Will it make people in Quick Play not go 5 offense + you? Probably not. Will I be hoping for it anyway? Definitely

Personally I can really only describe it as unpolished.
There’s a lot of good things, a few bad things, a handful of (presumed) oversights.

Rome: Total War 2. I tried really hard to like it.
“I just haven’t gotten the mechanics and quirks down yet. It’ll get better as I get to understand those.”
I really wanted it to be as majestic as the first one was to me.

Not. Even. Close.

Edit: I just remembered Dragon Age: Inquisition, which I absolutely hate(d) after

Oh man, I still have that. Played it for an hour or so with a friend a couple months back
I have vivid, less-than-fond, memories of not being smart enough to complete the game.

As someone who, naturally, hasn’t watched it yet, it sounds like Blizzard maybe should’ve been brazen enough to opt in for a Flags of our Fathers / Letters from Iwo Yima approach.

Or just done what I’ve always wanted: Make me wait a decade longer and make a full-on animated movie like their cinematics. 10/10 would’ve