Oh man. As someone who hasn’t followed the Overwatch craze at all (and consequently had to look up this characters name), the outfit of D.Va strikes me as remarkably similar to the ones from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Oh man. As someone who hasn’t followed the Overwatch craze at all (and consequently had to look up this characters name), the outfit of D.Va strikes me as remarkably similar to the ones from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and Rome: Total War (Note the absense of a “2").
HoMM3 is still a solid game and it manages to remind me of my childhood every time. Without fail.
R:TW is probably the game I’ve been most obsessed about ever. It perfectly matched my min-maxing preferences, and I’ve spend countless hours…
Wait, wait, wait! Buttons around town? What buttons? I know the answers to at least half of those questions, but I sure ain’t seen no buttons.
Sport? Surely you meant to say math
edit: cat stepped all over my keyboard as I clicked Publish :/
tl;dr: Epic made a mistake which caused a person to feel discriminated against. Co-founder apologized and explained why it had happen. Victim wasn’t satisfied with apology.
The only one I really enjoyed was Rome: Total War.
That being said though; I never got around to play Medieval 2 or Empire (which people -at least those around me- widely criticized at the time). But I did get around to playing Shogun 2 and y’know what.. I honestly didn’t think it was particularly good. People seem to…