
Yeah, racial issues wouldn’t exist if those who are negatively affected by white supremacy would just shut up about it, right? And to compare what kinds of racist, misogynistic, and homophobic things FB regularly tolerates to their deleting a true statement about an actual convicted rapist is just sooo inappropriate,

Is Kara at Jezebel having her meltdown yet?

weird, never seen a slam won on a dropped-in lob before

It’s like when you’re 12 and your mom told you to clean your room before she got home from work. You obviously spend all day not doing it and then spring to frantic action shoving all your crap in your closet the second you hear your garage door open.

Right, so we could double it, instead of spending on a completely unnecessary, cool-looking toy to kill more people in mud huts.

“Commenter tells other commenter what they would do in a hypothetical situation, then gets mad about it. Film at 11.”

Never to worry, you get enough bigoted right wing garbage spewed on your wall by the backward ass farts that make up 90% of Facebook users.

The Cardinals are the perfect team for a person whose primary motivation is resentment. Good choice!

This type of response is why these posts exist. Go beat your kids some more.

No, it’s not. It’s not how guys talk to each other. It’s how insecure MMA-loving flat-billed hat wearing dudebros talk to each other. Most of us have read a book or talked with someone different from us or read two books and come to our conclusion that that sort of shit just isn’t funny.

I think what you mean is, you miss the days when you would say that and no one would call you an asshole for it.

But it’s remarkable how much some people—Twitter eggs and Facebook uncles who bitch about their freedom of speech being corrupted because other people had the gall to exercise theirs—really want to hang onto their gay jokes.

Like getting unflattering photos taken down?

This is partially true, but as we’ve seen, Trump is also rallying the inbred, uneducated, racist faction of the nation’s population who either already voted Republican to keep down the blacks and Muslims and Mexicans, or didn’t vote before because no candidate was vocally enough against the blacks, Muslims, and

...why am I not doing more with my life...

...do you think I wrote the article? Can...can you not read?

Watching that collapse reminds me of those old “Wanna get away?” Southwest Airlines commercials, but only if in the commercial the plane crashed killing everyone on board.

They can pray their empty heads off at home. Keep prayer out of the public arena.

Yeah agreed 100%. Not going to lie, no interest in buying a multiplayer only game, all these characters and scenarios don’t really make much sense when they are all just killing each other over and over and over again. Don’t see the appeal. Now if we had a campaign and could do or see the sort of things in these

I’m sure the online gameplay is fun, but watching these videos all I can think is that I would play the shit out of a single player Overwatch campaign.