
This expansion takes place around the same point in the game as the mission with Brigitte and the Voodoo Boys. In fact you can see Placide in the new trailer. Apparently the expansion is integrated as a branch-off of that mission. It will add one new potential ending, alongside the other endings, that you can trigger

Microsoft has a $2 trillion market cap. Bethesda’s revenues are just a rounding error to them, nothing Todd Howard says will make any difference on their stock price.

It’s actually kind of funny how many different ways you managed to be wrong in just one post.

That is astronomically unlikely. Most 22 year olds are still in college. In any case, the median household income in the US is $51,000. Less than 7% of working Americans have a six-figure income, and 90% of those are over the age of 50. Making $100k+ at 22 is exceptionally rare outside of professional sports.

You realize this is just one guy using multiple accounts arguing with you and starring his own responses, right? He even makes the same grammatical mistakes in different replies. Might as well give up, I can promise you he has nothing better to do than this.

When I was younger the saying was “unless their name is Bucky, Jason Todd, or Uncle Ben”.

And they go up to her collarbones...

The C-13-1 steam catapults on the Roosevelt have a maximum capacity of 80,000 lbs @ 140 knots. The maximum takeoff weight for a Super Hornet is 66,000 lbs.

We don’t even let autonomous robots drive our cars yet, we’re sure as hell not gonna let them fly around armed to teeth with the latest weaponry. As far as remote control aircraft, we’re stuck on the thorny problems of signal lag, signal jamming and poor situational awareness. A manned aircraft could kill drones all

In most caves and mines it would be uncomfortably warm at that depth, as generally temperatures rise the deeper you go (Geothermal gradient). But underground temperatures depend on a lot of different factors. In open vertical caves or deep downcast shafts of mines, things can get quite bitterly cold, especially in

For the same reason we don’t expel crackheads or religious nuts or hipsters or people who overcook their steaks or any other group of undesirables. That’s not how we roll. We move forward together - sometimes stumbling, sometimes dragging the idiots along behind us - or we die alone.

At my company the only form that asks for a birth date is the background check authorization form, which is then kept separate from the rest of the application file. So the only people who see the date of birth is the HR person who is processing the application, not scheduling or conducting interviews or making hiring

“this is one of the areas where the cracks are starting to appear in the show”


This is pretty weird comment on an article that prominently features Kim Kardashian...

22. Betty Draper

Christ, what a bunch of douchebags.

Dota 2 is a free to play game that has had paid mods since day 1. Apples and oranges.

Jesus Christ man, we got it. You don’t need to make the same comment 50 times.

If your dad wants to open a shop and fix cars in a regulated environment with up front pricing and guarantees and whatnot, that’s fine. But he can’t fix my car using tools and schematics provided freely to him by other car guys and then three years later call me up and tell me he’s gonna charge me for it.