
Tom’s apple trees only produced fruit because he grew them in the community garden, where thousands of users and creators helped nurture them. If he had said he was going to sell the apples later we would have told him to get bent, and his apple trees would have withered and died years ago.

Let’s say you create a particle mod, someone offers you $20 use it in a full conversion.

Christ, Duke fans. They never change, do they?

It's almost a bit Judge Dredd-like. Get rid of the hand stabbys and the shoulder pads and I think it'd be fine. And those rib and hip stars, not sure what they were thinking there, but it's not working.

This is still my all-time favorite pc building moment.

Nice. No more near-death experiences in the utility room.

Nice. No more near-death experiences in the utility room.

Well, I hope she doesn't fall down.

Anyway, I'm sure they'll continue to make money just doing as they're doing even without me

Maybe you should read a different website then.

You should check your reading comprehension first, because you have apparently missed that he wasn't actually carrying a gun.

Lawyer here! I can tell you authoritatively that police officers are not supposed to shoot people for "breaking the law". Aside from that, police officers have in the past stopped, detained or arrested people who were not, as it turned out, actually breaking any laws, because sometimes that happens.

I could see a play-action pass from a different formation maybe, but...nah, even then it would have been stupid.

Hey, the more money game companies can save by making the customer do their work for them, the more money game companies can spend bribing Kotaku writers!

I don't remember the last time I owned a device that will even play a CD.

Some monkey using a stick to catch dinner isn't a different process than humans using tools to build buildings.

Well, I personally don't believe in God at all. And this level of religious philosophy can quickly zoom past what's discussable in the comments of a blog. People much smarter than me have been wrestling with the omnipotence paradox since...forever, probably.

He expects us to ignore those abilities and just follow things that don't make sense to us?

That's not really what "God's plan" means.

Really? Climate change is about money, and money has inspired more religious debate than any other subject.

Religious affiliation in the US: