Someone writes a 7 word statement expressing an opinion.
Someone writes a 7 word statement expressing an opinion.
I've had a RAT 7 for about a year. I've never really learned to love it, but mechanically it's worked fine. No defects, no breakdowns.
Similarly, I work at an oil refinery, and the guys who work down on the unit - turning wrenches and climbing ladders all day - all have fists like frozen turkeys. Shaking hands with them makes me feel like a little kid.
Despite all these freedom fighter dorks patting themselves on the back, Microsoft did not change anything because of complaints on Facebook. They made these changes because of a perceived shortage of pre-orders.
And for me, a married gamer in my late 30s, $1200 is not a noteworthy amount of money.
Hey, the Luddites have to be able to physically hand their games to friends, like its the 19th century. So there.
I am. Lots of people commenting on this story are. You just aren't paying attention.
But at least sports have actual winners and losers...
Seriously, I don't even...
No offense, but you are an increasingly rare breed. Neither I nor anyone I know has bought a physical book or a CD in...hell, years. Fully digital IS the future of profit, to deny that is just obtuse.
When I look at this issue objectively
Can I just note how EXTREMELY fucking weird it is to be this passionately enthralled with a huge faceless multinational corporation? Or how EXTREMELY fucking weird it is to feel this level of burning hatred for a huge faceless multinational corporation?
No, it's not like that at all. You don't have to actually state somewhere what people can be refused service, and you can terminate service for any reason, at any time, as long as the customer is not a member of a protected class.
No, there are not laws. Not for that kind of thing.
People aren't born with tattoos. I mean, I don't know if you knew that.
Actually, it's probably not textbook ASPD or psychopathy, which are extremely rare conditions...and can never be accurately diagnosed based on a few news reports.
A) That would actually make them MORE violent and dangerous.
We could easily do that in this country if we actually gave a shit about justice.
Fortunately, the Founding Fathers expected this, and they made it very hard for dangerously self-righteous people like you to impose your will on the rest of us.
It amazes me that in the 21st Century people still think like this.