
Well said. Justice is doing what is right even when you're enraged.

We don't have the resources to keep them all in prison for the rest of their lives. If we started tomorrow with mandatory life sentences for sexual assault, within 30 years we'd be spending half our GDP on prison costs.

You're going to need to build a lot of prisons then, thousands of them. Good for our for-profit prison industry, but I'm not sure it's the best solution for anyone else.

Vengeance serves no one. And science has conclusively proven that everyone except the most severely mentally ill can be successfully rehabilitated.

Almost certainly, unless they learn to be even MORE hyper-violent and predatory than they already are.

Unless you want to give mandatory life sentences for all crimes, you better start giving a shit what happens to them after that.

Well, I already bought the game, so if they want to continue making it less crappy that's okay with me.

You see Sam, here's where I don't follow. You may know some nice guy hunters, but virtually all the ones I've ever known are like Modus here: faux tough guys who harbor paranoid fantasies of Obama coming to forcibly register their guns, or something. Weirdos, basically, who seem like exactly the kind of people we

Just preemptively mute everybody that's not a personal friend. Ba-da-bing, problem solved.

Just speaking for myself here - I don't actually care what it looks like, as long as doesn't look like a giant purple dildo. And even that would have some entertainment value.

Newsflash Patricia: gamers are misogynistic assholes.

Gamers are middle-class suburban white males. They're the kind of people who start sentences with "I'm not sexist, but...". They are the kind of people who think reverse racism is a real, legitimate problem. They are the most culturally isolated people in America, whose primary social interaction is listening to

This is always going to be a difficult discussion, because gamers are really REALLY defensive and emotional when it comes to race and gender issues.

Yeah, that snagged me too. Race isn't a fact? Must be something wrong with my eyesight then.

I think we, consumers, have a lot of responsibility here too.

They go to a lot of effort to insist that it's not an MMO. But it is, clearly, an MMO.

Obvious troll is obvious.

Not a good comparison. The console market as a whole is massively larger now than when the 360 launched.

Number of consoles sold is irrelevant. Companies exist to make profit, and the 360 made much more profit for MS than the Wii or PS3 for their respective companies.

This guy clearly doesn't know anything about business, which I guess makes him perfect for writing articles for gamers, as they don't know anything about business either.