
Do you have a link for this? I'm not calling bullshit, I just want to know more.

"Bae Can U Dig Ur Man?" (feat. Cap Trippin' & M-O-O-N)

Dawes was always more of a thing in the comments than the articles.

Yes, but how will people know he's evil unless we spell it out in every single shot?!?

When I first heard about the remake, my biggest fear was that the filmmakers would go with the cliched approach of making Pennywise appear to be a threatening monster every time you see him. Looks like my fear was well-founded.

I've noticed The AV Club really, really likes Sylvan Esso. I don't recall another band getting as much coverage in a while.

I'm not really interested in critiquing the slang of another culture, but if you're a man referring to a woman as a female, I'm going to roll my fucking eyes. If I know you, I'm going to call you out for it.

Username checks out!

Yes, electronics welcome objectification.

Executive Producer: "I've got just the actor in mind for True Detective. Maher…"

ProTip: It's rarely OK to refer to an individual woman as a "female".

I've worked in the business for the better part of a decade (not as an actor), and it's articles like these that make me think I should probably go do something else.

Roddenberry didn't always insist on zero conflict between the characters. That was very much a TNG-era thing that he retroactively applied to the entire franchise, except for the fact it would've prevented the entire McCoy / Spock relationship.

Every light source in the entire show appears to be either blue or teal. Great. We needed more of that in television.

I'm with you on Trek's desperate need to ditch its prequel / nostalgia obsession, but interpreting an era of the Trek timeline through the lens of 2017 TV necessitiates some changes.

That's why I loved the fact DS9 started off by giving Picard the finger and crafting its own setting and characters that stood alone.

All the pictures I've seen of WaxBey alongside RealBey have had closely matching skin tones.

"All of these innocent people suffered, but somehow this is all about me."

99% of all movies are now teal and orange.

The thumbnail on the main page made me think this was an X-Files review.