
It gets worse…

Trains run on schedules, but train tracks are not used on a schedule. Especially freight tracks.

The bed was there for a surreal dream sequence in the film.

Ugh, the emails stayed in the same inbox for an entire season.

Ehhhh… 11/22/63 is the best thing he's written in decades, but the ending seemed really underwhelming. YMMV, of course.

Does he still write like he once met a black dude for ten minutes back in 1972?

Marrying your ex girlfriend's adopted daughter is just as creepy and inexcusable as marrying your ex wife's adopted daughter.

"Different" is not a word I would've imagined people using to describe Anna Kendrick.

A young man with an unusual legal problem

NASA's space shuttle was a failure. It was a mistake for Russia to try and copy it.

…the three members of the group…

It's a CYA move. And an understandable one at that.

I'll allow it.

A Pizza Lotto sign probably hangs on half the bodegas in Los Angeles.

The shaky cam in Man on Fire short-circuited the drama and visceral impact of scenes that would've otherwise been pretty spectacular.

This is 2017 - we're not allowed to have good things.

Eno tried to erase the master of "Where the Streets Have No Name", for one.

According to U2: At the End of the World, he really was feeling the lingering effects on the night they filmed.