
This scene in the remake falls-flat because they left out the line about balloons where Georgie asks Pennywise “Do they float?” and Pennywise responds with “Oh yes, Georgie, they all float. And when you’re down here, you’ll float too!”

Taylor Swift can’t be both a queen and an underdog.

They added a second train.

I think it was one of the shining examples of what a remake can be. It was neither a beat-by-beat retread of the original, or a hollow money grab.

It's interesting to see how internet discussion platforms have gone progressively towards more and more comment nesting, to the point where it's almost impossible to follow along.

Sets are super-controlled environments where the biggest danger you should face is an epic burn from the 1st AD.

That's where I got the soundtrack to "It Follows".

The promos were great. The show was an embarrassment.

Kiwi was easily the best fruitleg of them all. First CD I ever bought online!

Meanwhile, they did a ridiculously awesome version of "MoFo" at the MTV Europe VMAs.

As far as airplay is concerned, it probably was.

Bad costumes are like bad audio. Everything else in your movie can be fucked up and the audience will often (sub)consciously dismiss it as a deliberate choice.

I'm still waiting to see a fan film that counts as "decent Trek".

Singing Sugar Ray is right up there with "playing Hacky Sack" on the list of things that should've made every high school / college student pull a sharp U-turn back in the late '90s.

Prodigy's The Fat of the Land is very, very much of its time, and I can appreciate that. But is it one of those albums I can see myself going back to ever again? Not really.

Executives should be forced to use apps like 1Password with rotating, complex passwords and two-factor authentication (to prevent them from undermining everything with a Post-It.)

Uhhhh…. you might want to borrow the book from her and read it before she gets too far into the second half.

Three-way tie with "Do You Feel Loved".

If by "the end" you mean the incomprehensible editing and shaky cam that started at frame #1, then yes.

Watching Quantum of Solace after Casino Royale was like eating a nine course meal at The French Laundry, and then getting served a pile of shit for dessert.