
The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu have commissioned an anarchic situationist manifestation to protest that last sentence.

*Opens Oasis article*

Music rights were also a huuuuuge drain on the budget.

I want to say the same thing about Love, but I didn't watch enough to see if the entire series really ended-up as Paul Rust's Wish Fulfillment Fantasy - because it certainly started-off that way.

Reflektor was pretty bad. It sounded like a demo of a much shorter album that might've been good. Hoping this time they remembered to end their songs in less than seven hours.

Quiznos was doomed by a few other major factors:

*Nicolas Winding Refn chuckles smugly*
*charges entire film budget to credit card*
*uses credit card points to travel to Cannes*
*gets standing boovation*
*sells film*
*pays off credit card*
*drives past Baz's house slowly, honking the whole time, with a wide-eyed grin. Stares. Says nothing.*
*Baz's dinner guest asks

Music licensing fees.

It works quite well.

Yes, but you have to assume that Starfleet had some pretty good maps of known star systems.

The Reliant's crew should've known it was Ceti Alpha Five.

The color grading is really, really, really awful. Why would you choose to make such an interesting movie look so ugly?

Stone may have fallen victim to the classic Leftist trap of automatically embracing anyone who opposes the Western political order. Some on the Left cozy-up to Putin, Assad, etc, while simultaneously lecturing others on how the U.S. is oppressive and bad because…

The existence of Walt Goggins alone justifies the continued existence of the Western genre.

I tried to convince myself it was a thing I was enjoying. I tried to pound my experience playing the game into the shape of satisfaction, but it invariably sagged back into dull disappointment.

The Life Aquatic is the best Anderson film.

It was pretty successful - drawing more viewers than The Larry Sanders Show (!!) - and it also benefited fromo a core contingent of fans who subscribed to HBO specifically to get Arli$$.

Mr. Belvedere was the first sitcom to openly address the AIDS crisis and try to overcome the rampant otherizing of its victims and all-consuming fear that was everywhere back in the '80s.

The pilot was pretty good.

The show's greatest liability is that it's always been tied to a comic book series, and one controlled by a very demanding and not very good writer.