
I'm not trying to be snarky, but just get Spotify premium and relax.

Nope. I think if there were a way to do it, they would've done it by now.

Every time I try to pronounce her name, I get really tired and go do something else.

Tim Burton is the Frank Gehry of filmmaking.

My enjoyment of a game is largely dependent on the lack of cutscenes. The more I'm subjected to, the less I enjoy a game.

I still find these absolutely hilarious.

Yes, exactly.

I could be completely wrong, but he strikes me as very hands-off when it comes to his films. Aside from the obligatory cameo, he's basically like "Yeah, it's my story but your vision."

There's a difference between:

Yeah, Pennywise intended to appear non-scary by default. That's kind of the whole idea.

The budget and vision to cultivate a sense of slowly-building confusion and… fear… was just never there.

Blondie jut put out their best song in decades. Check out "Long Time".

He can't remember.

Netflix's streaming library is MUCH smaller than it used to be. The user interface is designed to obsfucate this.

In a statement, Weiner said that the show will “explore how people feel the connections to their ancestors."

Being obsessed with The Boondock Saints and pretending to like the Dropkick Murphy's (read: their entire fan base) was a rite of passage for tens of thousands of college students.

I'm suspicious that this is going to turn into another American Beauty or Garden State.

You fucking nailed it.

Senior execs / CEOs stick together because they know they have a nice racket and they want to be sure that they won't be accountable for anything THEY do.

In this way, Trump is being a really excellent American CEO.