
Exactly this.

I'm not sure why autoplaying video ads with sound (and no stop / pause button) started playing both times I opened this page.

He allegedly insisted that the rest of the cast call him "Mr. Brooks".

Yeah, imagine Britta after Greendale. The study group scattered. That brief moment of belonging gone. Her bitterness, cynicism and sense that she missed the boat on a happy life turned-up to 11.

Paul Rust was the reason I stopped watching.

Whataboutism is toxic. Don't go there.

The biggest problem with post-pilot TWD is that it's now little more than random, (often, episode-long) digressions and flashbacks used to break-up the flow of story arcs to avoid actually telling a story before the next mid-season / season finale.

Recreating the main models is going to be a huge part of any remastering budget. Going to that expense for the sake of a few episodes (and those episodes will probably be CG heavy and require even more, one-off models) makes little sense.

TNG S8: The crew is threatened by the fully-functional Data Dump. The Enterprise must save a colony, but Geordi cannot enter the sector due to a restraining order.

I think he was trying hard to talk about Milo without saying anything that could tempt Milo into refusing his invitation to be on the show. Maher was saving the fireworks for later.

Basically this, yeah.

"Hey SAG! Here's my paperwork!"
"Sorry, Matilda Lutz is already registered. You'll have to use a different stage name."

Modern refrigerators are held closed by fairly weak magnets around the door seal. A kid could probably push their way out pretty easily.

I first saw it in the middle of a New England winter and I got so into it, that I half expected to walk outside into a swealtering hot day.

I'm hoping they get the wrong version of Do The Right Thing. The remastered release eliminated the yellow/orange tint that kinda made the movie what it was.

The real question: Is this better than Discreet Music on repeat?

Phineas and Ferb got a proper send-off appropriately-titled "The Last Day of Summer".

To be fair, her incredibly well-known collaboration with George Michael never featured the two of them in the same shot.

His longtime companion had died and the record company listened to his followup to Faith with… well… prejudice. They wanted a carbon copy of that, not songs like "Freedom '90". George was understandably upset.