
I don't know about his health status, but treated HIV absolutely still kills people.

Sued for saying "Polack"?

Sued for… what, exactly?

That, and NIMBYism.

In middle school, I thought this movie looked pretty meh, but one day, a group of girls insisted otherwise. I asked them what they liked about it and they explained what a touching story it was, and how much it moved them, etc.

I keep saying I'm going to rewatch Battlestar Galactica someday.

I was at a total loss after my last breakup.

It makes tons of money. That's all that matters.

I've been waiting years for an explanation as to why they never used the You Can't Do That On Television slime recipie.

"Dennis Leary. Not Colin Quinn."

Wait, Colin Quinn isn't from Boston??!

The content was secret. That's the issue.

Trump is a treasonous (see also: Putin, emails, hacking), mentally unbalanced, misogynist who would easily be the worst president in the nation's history and is wholly unfit to hold office.

Liza Winstead didn't get a kick out of it. She quit after that interview was published.

I had completely forgotten about all of this.

The success of comic book movies has made every filmmaker feel the need to sit the audience down an methodically explain The Origin Story™ for everything.

I still miss "The Vacant Lot" and everything else that was on just after the merger with HA! Network, and prior to the premiere of South Park.

It's more like AMC execs realized an episode of The Walking Dead costs $3 million dollars to make and they can keep those viewers tuned-in and watching another hour's worth of commercials* for a few hundred thousand dollars extra.

Would you like some dressing to go with that word salad?