
That's what Norwegians really look like though.

Their goodbye single was the best fucking thing.

That Patti Smith song would be one of my favorites of all time if it just had a different title / hook.

I recently spent 12 hours flying in Lufthansa economy class and the food was surprisingly… great? I expected something mediocre, but the dinner and breakfast were both fantastic, and they came by with additional food from time to time - dinner rolls, dessert, etc - not just bags of junk food.

Warm / cool color theory is sound, but taking that to mean that teal and orange are the only two acceptable colors in film is utterly ridiculous.

The obligatory teal tone over absolutely everything made the Jurassic World dinosaurs look worse than the ones from 1993.

There should be a rule that everything gets uploaded in its native aspect ratio, but I suspect many studios have some clueless intern pulling and submitting the 4:3 versions.

I miss the old days when they'd automatically create custom genres for you.

InstantWatcher is the only way to make sense of Netflix's library.

That's an interesting reading of the movie. I always took that part of Dawn of the Dead as one small example of the difficulty society as a whole had with accepting the new status quo.

I gave up after the S2 premiere and "Oh look at that burning boat 100' away that we didn't notice for the last ten minutes we were staring in that direction!"

One of the few things Walking Dead original flavor does right is explore the balance between morality and doing whatever it takes to survive.

Miranda Sings was great until she felt obligated to post all the time, and her channel became 95% filler.

I believe once Nickelodeon studios opened, the network canceled all of its shows that weren't / couldn't be filmed in Orlando.

Memphis has Graceland, great food… and yeah… that's about it.

I gave up after the S2 premiere and yet, for some reason, I still come here and read the reviews and comments. I'd miss the tragedy.

It's basically fanfic because the show admitted it was done essentially as a placeholder and they didn't know what the ship would look like.

People shouldn't be panicking over this. The original production schedule wasn't remotely realistic.