
I remember a comedian saying "Ha!" very, very slowly. That, and shitty sub-Nick-at-Night quality programming.

I swear that you could hear the defeat in Penn Jillette's voice when he announced "And at 4 pm… Airheads".

I really, really loved this article. Thank you.

Great article - I'm hoping the week ends with an epic ode to Threads.

For one brief moment, contemporary R&B stopped being impossibly dull, then went right back to the same listless crap.

The amazing thing is how easy it is to get blackballed in the industry for stupid shit like pissing off the wrong person, yet this guy ends up with a better career than most non-rapist, film school grads.

Every single movie he made after the Dawn of the Dead remake?

There are buildings that look like the WTC.

My favorite bit of music in The Walking Dead is the John Carpenter-esque doom synths that occasionally work their way into the mix when things start to fall apart. They're slightly terrifying, buzzy notes that do an amazing job of raising the tension the instant you hear them.

It helps keep the crew from going off and finding other gigs.

*sheds a teal for JJTrek*

The band name / song title combo sound like something straight out of 1995.

I loved it until the big fight with the aliens at the end. It just went from weird, atmospheric and awesome, to generic comic book garbage.

I thought they were the same guy when I started to watch Party Down.

I love Weird R.E.M. and I love about half of Monster, but the other half just doesn't move me.

Props to Jesse for mentioning the inevitable 2 or… 4 used and unloved copies of R.E.M's Monster that you'll find on the shelves.

Below are SPOILERS for how the basic premise of the show played out over the course of the first few eps. Tell me if it's your kind of thing.
15-20 minutes into the first episode you're told zombies are a thing in 11 states already, but it's only being talked about ON THE INTERNET. The whole idea that the

The show was created to show the slow collapse of civilization in the face of zombies and completely skipped over that with a "9 Days Later" jump between episodes.

The arena horde which somehow… mattered? In a city of millions weeks after the zombie apocalypse.

I've always hated the inclusion of "Her Majesty".