
I've honestly never heard of this show before.

Yes, but you would never see them.

That's not how storytelling and foreshadowing work.

Sam was having a breakdown at the end of the last episode. That was the whole cliffhanger.

The original Ghostbusters used a portion of the song that begins at 2:20 in.

That's actually the whole season. The rest of the action took place offscreen.

The ads / sidebar to content ratio is now completely off in Safari on an iPad.

Freddie also wrote, but was unable to complete Mother Love which had lyrics like:

I don't think an epic scene could've saved my opinion of the show.

I was hoping to see a series that started off with only the tiniest hints of something wrong. Where a sense of Something Coming was increasingly strong, until it was crashing through living room windows (to borrow a turn of phrase from 28 Days Later).

"…the Federal Emergency Management Agency and AMC Networks Finance Department urge all persons in transit to immediately seek shelter outside of the LA metro area…"

Zombie fans seem to be in two camps: either The Walking Dead franchise is garbage and Z Nation is great, or The Walking Dead is exciting and cool and Z Nation is painfully awful.

…a 17 year old girl who had just seen her neighbor come back from the dead and try to eat the neighborhood.

I know people are quick to claim something is a cheap cash-in, but this is one case where I think that's very, very accurate.

Yeah, I think I was hoping for Threads with zombies instead of nukes.

My least favorite part of Fear the Walking Dead was The Big Dramatic moment when releasing 2,000 animated corpses in post zombie apocalypse LA was somehow a thing that anyone even noticed.

Hank Azaria is probably just incredibly bored at this point and looking for something different to do.

Did you see the "RAW footage is too blueish" bit? I couldn't tell if they were serious.

1. Many, many directors now believe that not only is it important for skin tones to pop, but that it's the only thing important in a film. Nothing else in the frame matters.